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Side Plank Exercises

Category : Exercise

Two for You!

 Here are two side plank exercises you can do anytime, anywhere to strengthen obliques….that’s the purpose of our exercise blog…to introduce new and fun exercises that you can do at home with little or no equipment because we know you can’t always get to the gym!
When performing a side plank exercises always be sure that your elbow and shoulder are aligned properly. Your elbow should be directly underneath your shoulder so that you don’t put any extra strain on your shoulder joint.
Exercise #1: Side plank with breath
Do this exercise slowly and incorporate breathing as demonstrated on the video. Beginners should do this with their knee on the mat. Make it more challenging by balancing on your feet instead of  your knee. Do 10-15 on each side.
Exercise #2: Side Plank with elbow to knee
Lift your body up into the side plank position and bring elbow to knee as shown on the video. Repeat 10 repetitions without lowering your hip to the mat.
If you have questions or would like to learn more exercises like these contact Karin:

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Core Exercises for Obliques and Glutes

Category : Exercise

Two for You!

Here are two core exercises you can do anytime, anywhere to strengthen obliques and glutes (specifically gluteus medius)….that’s the purpose of our exercise blog…to introduce new and fun exercises that you can do at home with little or no equipment because we know you can’t always get to the gym!
Exercise #1: Mermaids
Do it right: When performing this core exercise be sure not to cheat by using your hand to push off of the floor that way you will challenge the oblique abdominal muscles more effectively.
Exercise #2: Clams 
Do it right: Get the most out of this exercise by placing your hand on your hip to assure your hips are stacked. If you allow your upper hip to roll back even a little you won’t recruit the gluteus medius properly. If you can do more than 10-15 of  these without your glutes burning your are probably NOT positioned correctly.
If you have questions or would like to learn more exercises like these contact Karin:

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Balance and Core Muscle Exercises

Category : Exercise

Two for You!

Here are two standing core muscle exercises you can do anytime, anywhere to improve your balance and strengthen core muscles….that’s the purpose of our exercise blog…to introduce new and fun exercises that you can do at home with little or no equipment because we know you can’t always get to the gym!
Exercise #1: Hip Circles
Improve your balance, core muscle strength and hip mobility
Begin by balancing on one foot and draw and imaginary circle with your knee. Do ten circles in each direction. Repeat on the other side.
Exercise #2: Hopscotch
Improve your balance, core strength and inner thigh strength. Complete 15 repetitions on each side.
If you have questions or would like to learn more exercises like these contact Karin:

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Core Exercises: Push-Ups and Planks

Category : Exercise

Two for You!

Here are two core exercises you can do anytime, anywhere to strengthen glute, upper body and core muscles….that’s the purpose of our exercise blog…to introduce new and fun exercises that you can do at home with little or no equipment because we know you can’t always get to the gym!
Exercise #1: Push-ups with child’s pose stretch is one of my client’s favorite ways to do push-ups. This provides a break between push-ups which makes it a little easier for beginners but still strengthens the core and upper body.
Exercise #2: Planks with a single leg lift will challenge not only the core, but the glutes.  
If you have questions or would like to learn more exercises like these contact Karin:

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Strengthen Glute, Inner Thigh and Core muscles

Category : Exercise

Two for You! Here are two exercises you can do anytime, anywhere to strengthen glute, inner thigh and core muscles….that’s the purpose of our exercise blog…to introduce new and fun exercises that you can do at home with little or no equipment because we know you can’t always get to the gym!
Exercise #1: Single leg bridges will help you build a better butt. 
Exercise #2: Single leg adductor (inner thigh) lifts will strengthen both your inner thigh and core muscles IF you are mindful about moving slowly through the movement and keeping your core muscles braced so that you DON’T MOVE any other part of your body besides your working leg.
If you have questions or would like to learn more exercises like these contact Karin:

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Balance Exercises: Two For You

Category : Exercise

Here are two balance exercises you can do anytime, anywhere….that’s the purpose of our exercise blog…to introduce new and fun exercises that you can do at home with little or no equipment because we know you can’t always get to the gym!
These exercises will improve your balance, flexibility and core strength. You might need a chair or a wall help you keep your balance when you first try these, but eventually your goal should be to progress to a point where you can balance without assistance while swinging your leg.
Exercise #1: Forward/backward Leg Swings are a great dynamic stretch for both your hamstrings and quadriceps. 
Exercise #2: Cross-over Leg Swings will help to strengthen your abductors (gluteus medius) and adductors (inner thigh muscles).
If you have questions or would like to learn more balance, flexibility & core exercises contact Karin:

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Core Exercise: Hot Footed Lizards

Category : Exercise

Here are two core exercises you can do anytime, anywhere….that’s the purpose of our exercise blog…to introduce new and fun exercises that you can do at home with little or no equipment because we know you can’t always get to the gym!
This week’s core exercises are great for your obliques. Hot footed lizards require you to lift your opposite  hand and foot from the floor and while in an upward or downward facing plank/bridge. Touching your opposite hand to foot is tricky, but with a little practice this makes for a great core and oblique exercise. Plus, it has a fun name: Hot Footed Lizard!
If you have questions or would like to learn more core exercises like these, contact Karin:

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Core Exercise: Two for You!

Category : Exercise

Here are two core exercises you can do anytime, anywhere….that’s the purpose of our exercise blog…to introduce new and fun exercises that you can do at home with little or no equipment because we know you can’t always get to the gym!
These two exercises are fun and challenging variations on the traditional bird dog.  Exercise #1 will work your abdominal muscles, back and obliques.  Exercise #2 will work your gluteals…especially the gluteus medius.
If you have questions or would like to learn more core exercises like these, contact Karin:

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Best Stretches for Desk Workers

Category : Active Living, Exercise

Here are the two of the best stretches for desk workers. If you sit at a desk (or in your car) be sure to do these stretches  to improve your posture and reduce back pain!

Hip Flexor Stretch

 Pectoral (Chest) Stretch

Work doesn’t have to be a pain in the back (or neck). Take a break from your desk once each hour… get up & move then try these stretches…your body will thank you!

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Be a healthy role model for your child

Category : Active Living

Note from Karin:

Parents, be a healthy role model for your child. Show your kids how to live a healthy lifestyle and a have a positive body image. Be careful what you say and do…because your kids are paying attention! ~Karin 

The following article, “Moms, Be careful what you say around your daughters” was written by Sherri McMillan, a fellow personal trainer & owner of Northwest Personal Training in Vancouver, WA…I hope you will take her words of wisdom to heart!

Moms, Be careful what you say around your daughters

by Sherri McMillan

I heard a conversation at a pool that went something like this. A young girl asked her mother why she wasn’t swimming. The mother responded that she was too fat and needed to lose a lot of weight before she could even consider wearing a bathing suit. Wow! What kind of a message do you think that mother was sending to her daughter? The daughter could easily interpret that response to mean that a woman must be skinny in order to do the things she wants to do. She must be thin in order to be beautiful enough to be seen in public. She must be lean in order to be loved.

Do you realize that girls as young as 5 years are dieting?

Where do you think they are getting the idea for the need to diet and lose weight? Sure media plays a big role but it’s a lot closer to home than that! A young girl’s mother is her most important role model. Values, principles and beliefs are instilled at such a young age and last a lifetime. If a young girl believes you have to be skin and bones to be attractive, she will struggle with her weight and body image for the rest of her life. Moms, think before you speak. If you comment on your thighs and your cellulite perhaps your daughter will start examining her own thighs more closely and determine she’s not too happy with hers either! If you compare yourself to other women or models in a magazine, your daughter will start comparing as well. If you are always on some type of diet and then go on an all-out junk binge, your daughter will adopt the same practices. Moms – you can’t think only about yourself anymore. Mimicking is how most young children learn and develop. You have the power to help your daughters develop into strong, confident, beautiful human beings – on the inside and out or to become insecure, unhealthy, and negative.

Here’s some tips to consider:

  • Learn to love your own body. Easier said than done! You may have 30+ years of media brain-washing to try to overcome but your daughters can still be saved! At the very least, never comment on your own body in a negative manner, especially in front of your daughters. And as often as you can, point out what your love about yourself.
  • Never comment on other women’s bodies and compare them to your own. Avoid scanning magazines with your daughters and remarking “I’d love to have her legs” or “I wish I could wear that” or “She’s so skinny and perfect”. Instead, when looking at magazines ask your daughters if they know that each of the models are made-up for hours and air-brushed to create the final unrealistic image. Discuss with them how distorted and unhealthy this is. Talk to them about the scary consequences of these unrealistic ideals such as poor body image, extreme dieting, anorexia, bulimia, and death. Openly and regularly discuss these issues.
  • Promote healthy eating and an active lifestyle. Diets don’t work for you or your daughters. Instead focus on encouraging your daughters to eat lots of fruits, vegetables and drink lots of water – not because it’ll keep them thin but rather, keep them healthy. Avoid exercising excessively. What message are you giving to your daughters if you remark “I’ve got to get to the gym to burn off that piece of chocolate cake” or if you consistently sacrifice other things in your life because you have to get to the gym? Remember little eyes are always watching and taking mental notes. Teach them you workout because you love your body not so that you can love your body. There’s a big difference!
  • Be watchful of the men in your home – husbands, grandpas, sons etc. Do they make digs about other women’s, yours or your daughter’s body? Are they constantly discussing women’s bodies? If so, deal with it immediately. Make sure they understand how harmful, hurtful and damaging their remarks can be. Be sure they know that any further comments are inappropriate and unacceptable and will be dealt with.
  • If you do notice your daughter is practicing unhealthy eating and exercising habits, stay calm but seek help immediately. Consult with your physician to get a referral to see someone who specializes in this area. There may be something you can do before things get worse.

The vicious cycle of body hatred can be stopped and it starts with you.

Each of you has the opportunity to deposit a little bit of love into a little girl’s self esteem bank everyday! And you may find it gives your confidence a boost also!”