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Stability Ball Exercises Part 3
Category : Exercise
Comments Off on Stability Ball Exercises Part 2
Stability Ball Exercises Part 2
Category : Exercise
Two for You!
Here are two stability ball exercises you can do anytime, anywhere to strengthen your core, glutes and balance. That’s the purpose of our exercise blog…to introduce new and fun exercises that you can do at home with little or no equipment because we know you can’t always get to the gym! Exercise #1: Seated Single Leg BalanceBegin in a seated position. Sit tall with shoulders directly over hips and spine in neutral. DO NOT let your hips tuck under into a pelvic tilt. Lift one foot from floor and hold it there while you count to five (or ten). Switch feet. Repeat five times with each leg. Exercise #2: BridgeBegin in a seated position and then walk your feet away from the ball until your head and shoulders are resting on the ball as shown on video. Feet should be about hip distance apart. Shoulders, hips and knees should be in one straight line. Next, lower hips toward the floor 6-8 inches and squeeze glutes to lift back up into a straight bridge. The ball should remain stationary. Repeat 15x More Challenge: Hold hand weight resting on your upper leg while you perform this exercise. Want to learn more stability ball and core exercises? Contact us! info@xofitness.com04-Sep-2014
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Tone your legs and glutes
Category : Exercise
Two for You!
Here are two kickboxing drills you can do anytime, anywhere to improve balance and tone your legs and glutes. That’s the purpose of our exercise blog…to introduce new and fun exercises that you can do at home with little or no equipment because we know you can’t always get to the gym! Exercise #1: Step back lunge and front kickStep straight back…make it a BIG step so that you can drop down into a lunge. If your front knee is over your toes you need to take a bigger step. Then drive rear leg forward leading with the knee and extend the leg out straight. Repeat 10 on each side. Exercise #2: Curtsy squat and side kickStep one foot behind the other and drop down into a curtsy squat as shown. Then execute a side kick bringing the leg up and out to the side. The knee should be bent as you bring the leg up, and finish by kicking the leg out straight and parallel to the floor. Knee cap and toe should be pointed straight ahead NOT at the ceiling. Repeat 10 on each side. If you are struggling with your balance and unable to perform these use a chair for balance so that you can effectively tone your legs and glutes. Want more exercises like these? Contact Karin! karin@xofitness.com21-Aug-2014
Comments Off on Core Exercises for Obliques and Glutes
Core Exercises for Obliques and Glutes
Category : Exercise
Two for You!
Here are two core exercises you can do anytime, anywhere to strengthen obliques and glutes (specifically gluteus medius)….that’s the purpose of our exercise blog…to introduce new and fun exercises that you can do at home with little or no equipment because we know you can’t always get to the gym! Exercise #1: MermaidsDo it right: When performing this core exercise be sure not to cheat by using your hand to push off of the floor that way you will challenge the oblique abdominal muscles more effectively. Exercise #2: Clams Do it right: Get the most out of this exercise by placing your hand on your hip to assure your hips are stacked. If you allow your upper hip to roll back even a little you won’t recruit the gluteus medius properly. If you can do more than 10-15 of these without your glutes burning your are probably NOT positioned correctly. If you have questions or would like to learn more exercises like these contact Karin: karin@xofitness.com07-Aug-2014
Comments Off on Core Exercises: Push-Ups and Planks
Core Exercises: Push-Ups and Planks
Category : Exercise
Two for You!
Here are two core exercises you can do anytime, anywhere to strengthen glute, upper body and core muscles….that’s the purpose of our exercise blog…to introduce new and fun exercises that you can do at home with little or no equipment because we know you can’t always get to the gym! Exercise #1: Push-ups with child’s pose stretch is one of my client’s favorite ways to do push-ups. This provides a break between push-ups which makes it a little easier for beginners but still strengthens the core and upper body. Exercise #2: Planks with a single leg lift will challenge not only the core, but the glutes. If you have questions or would like to learn more exercises like these contact Karin: karin@xofitness.com01-Aug-2014
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Comments Off on Core Exercise: Two for You!
Core Exercise: Two for You!
Category : Exercise
Comments Off on Partner Training Medicine Ball Exercise #2: Squat and Toss
This exercise is so fun you’ll forget that you are squatting (ok, maybe not), but it’s more fun than squatting alone!
Be sure that you have adequate ceiling clearance!!
Do you need a med ball for home? We recommend Perform Better
At XO Fitness, we offer partner training. It’s fun and more economical than training on your own. If you are interested in working out with a loved one or a friend, contact us for details! 920-339-0630
Comments Off on Build a Better Butt #6
Build a Better Butt #6
Category : Exercise
Step forward with the right foot, keeping the head up and shoulders aligned over hips; do not allow your torso to angle forward because this will make your quadriceps do more of the work instead of the glutes. Drop your left knee toward the floor by bending both knees, making sure to keep the front heel down and the knee directly over the center of the foot. Push down through your heel to return to the starting position.
You may use a wall or a chair to help you with your balance when you are first learning to do these.
Nick Nilsson, B.A.Sc., C.P.T., author of Muscle Explosion advises, “When you do a lunge, squeeze the glute hard while you’re pushing up. This will help to activate the glute muscle. It’s all about getting your mind into the muscle and forcing it to contract rather than just going through the motions of an exercise.”
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Build a Better Butt #5
Category : Exercise
Chair Squat
This exercise is a great alternative to the traditional squat because you have a chair behind you to give you confidence. Stand with your feet hip distance apart and toes pointed straight ahead. Slowly lower yourself toward the chair, but do not actually sit down. When you are as low as you can go without transferring your weight to the chair stand up and repeat.
Reaching your arms out in front of you as shown will help you counter-balance your butt going back. I always cue my clients to look up “where the wall and ceiling meet” to keep their head up…no diving!
If you don’t feel the glutes working, you are probably leaning too far forward. The forward lean is often caused by a lack of flexibility in the calves. To fix this, stretch the calf muscles, before performing squats. This should also enable you to sit back more and maintain a more upright torso.