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Plank Variations

Category : Exercise

Here are some fun plank variations you can do with paper plates! Always keep your abdominal muscles braced. If you feel in strain in your back be sure to rest before proceeding to the next exercise.
Starting position for all planks is a push-up plank position with your toes on the plates. Your toes must always maintain contact with the plates. Some surfaces will work better than others for sliding the plates, so if you are having trouble try a smooth floor or very low pile carpet. 
Plank #1: Mountain Climbers
Draw right knee in toward right elbow, then slide back out to starting position. Repeat with left knee to left elbow. Try these slow at first and then you can speed them up if you wish. Do 10 slow or 30 seconds fast.
Plank #2: Frog
Draw both knees in toward your elbows at the same time bringing knees outside your elbows; then slide back out to starting position. Keep your hips low for this plank. Repeat 5-10 times with good form.
Plank #3: Pike
Keep legs straight as you pull your feet forward and your hips up into an inverted V position. Slide back to plank position being careful not to drop hips too low causing your back to arch. Repeat 5-10 times.
Plank #4: Cross-unders
Draw right knee toward left elbow and then slide leg out straight to left side so that it crossed under you. Then pull knee back in and slide foot back to starting position. Repeat on the opposite side. Repeat 3-5 times with good form.
Do you want more fun core exercises? Scroll down or contact us!

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Side Plank Exercises

Category : Exercise

Two for You!

 Here are two side plank exercises you can do anytime, anywhere to strengthen obliques….that’s the purpose of our exercise blog…to introduce new and fun exercises that you can do at home with little or no equipment because we know you can’t always get to the gym!
When performing a side plank exercises always be sure that your elbow and shoulder are aligned properly. Your elbow should be directly underneath your shoulder so that you don’t put any extra strain on your shoulder joint.
Exercise #1: Side plank with breath
Do this exercise slowly and incorporate breathing as demonstrated on the video. Beginners should do this with their knee on the mat. Make it more challenging by balancing on your feet instead of  your knee. Do 10-15 on each side.
Exercise #2: Side Plank with elbow to knee
Lift your body up into the side plank position and bring elbow to knee as shown on the video. Repeat 10 repetitions without lowering your hip to the mat.
If you have questions or would like to learn more exercises like these contact Karin:

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Core Exercises: Push-Ups and Planks

Category : Exercise

Two for You!

Here are two core exercises you can do anytime, anywhere to strengthen glute, upper body and core muscles….that’s the purpose of our exercise blog…to introduce new and fun exercises that you can do at home with little or no equipment because we know you can’t always get to the gym!
Exercise #1: Push-ups with child’s pose stretch is one of my client’s favorite ways to do push-ups. This provides a break between push-ups which makes it a little easier for beginners but still strengthens the core and upper body.
Exercise #2: Planks with a single leg lift will challenge not only the core, but the glutes.  
If you have questions or would like to learn more exercises like these contact Karin:

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Partner Training Exercise #6: Patty Cake Push-up Plank

Category : Exercise

This is a fun variation on the push-up plank.

Position yourself about an arm’s length from your partner in a push up plank position (either on knees or toes)

Both partners raise right hand and slap them together, then switch to left hand.

If both partners are strong enough, repeat 10 times, rest and repeat!


At XO Fitness, we offer partner training. It’s fun and more economical than training on your own.

If you are interested in working out with a loved one or a friend, contact us for details! 920-339-0630


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Core Training #5: Stability Ball Elbow Plank with Saw

Category : Exercise

1) Start in a kneeling position with your stability ball in front of you.

2) Brace your abdominal muscles and carefully roll forward into a plank position. 

3) Roll the ball forward and backward just a few inches using your elbows.


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Core Training #4: Stability Ball Planks

Category : Exercise

Another way to make planks more challenging is to use a Stability Ball.

Be sure that you have mastered Abdominal Bracing and the basic plank before moving on to these more difficult moves!

Elbow Plank on the Ball

Start kneeling with the Ball in front of you. Clasp your hands together and roll out on your forearms until your elbows are on the ball.   If you feel stable enough, go ahead and lift you knees off the floor so that you are perched on your toes. Hold this position for 5-10 seconds, then put knees back on floor, roll back in, rest, repeat!



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Core Training #2: The Plank

Category : Exercise

There are alot of variations on the plank. This week we are going to introduce the basic elbow plank which you’ve undoubtedly done in the past. The question is, have you been doing it correctly? Last week we introduced abdominal bracing and that is the key to doing a proper plank.

Plank on elbows

Basic Plank on elbows

Start on your belly propped up with your elbows under your shoulders. Do not “sink” into shoulders; instead keep your neck long and shoulder blades pulled down and together. Brace your abdominals and lift your hips so that you are in a “plank” position supported by your elbows and knees. Remember, a plank is straight; so do not allow your back to arch.

Start by just holding the plank on you knees for 5 seconds at a time. Once you can hold a good plank with your knees down, try straightening your legs so you are perching on your toes.

Progression: Increase the amount of time you hold the plank (up to a minute) but never continue holding the plank if you feel discomfort in your low back or can not maintain a neutral spine. Also, there are lots of variations on the basic plank which we’ll cover next week!