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St. Brendan’s Irish Root Soup -Low Fat version

Category : Healthy Eating


St. Brendan’s Irish Root Soup

We really enjoyed St. Brendan’s Irish Root Soup and they shared their recipe with us!  This is truly one of those comfort foods that cold fall weather seems to trigger, and boy, was it ever good when we made it this week!  We’ve been tweaking it ever since we got it because the original recipe calls for 2 cups of heavy cream.  While that’s OK for the occasional celebration meal, we felt we should try to create a low fat version that we could enjoy guilt-free a couple times a month. We succeeded!
Awhile back, one of our clients (Thanks RuthAnn!) shared with us the mind-blowing book “Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us”.  In it, the author Michael Moss show us that there is an ideal amount of sugar (called the bliss point) that can be added to food; too little is no good and too much is a waste.  The same is true for salt, finding as we come accustomed to salt the more we prefer but that too little salt can take a once savory food to being nearly inedible.  The clincher is when it comes to fat.  For fat, there is no optimal level at which too much fat is less desirable.  More is always better and researchers determined that if there is a bliss point for fat it is somewhere beyond heavy whipping cream!  They also found that people could not discern the amount of fat in a food, often wildly underestimating how much fat was in it.
Roasted Sweet Potatoes
Back to St. Brendan’s magnificent soup.  Was this a case of unnecessary extravagance?  You be the judge!  Here is the XO’d version of St. Brendan’s Irish Root Soup.
2T Olive Oil
1T Butter
2 lb Carrots peeled and diced
2 whole Leeks diced, then washed well (originally Whites only diced)
6 garlic cloves peeled and chopped
Sauteed Leeks
Sauteed Leeks
2 lbs Sweet Potatoes, halved and roasted (see note)
4 cups Vegetable Stock (originally Chicken stock)
1 can evaporated milk (24g fat) or 2 Cups fat free half & half (zero g fat) (originally 2 cups Heavy  whipping cream, 176 grams fat!)
2 T sugar (We omitted this altogether as unnecessary with the carrots and sweet potatoes)
Salt and pepper to taste.
Per the original recipe: Parboil sweet potatoes and then oven roast at 350 on a cookie sheet using parchment paper until brown.  (I have skipped this step altogether and boiled everything until soft, but I have to admit the BEST version was when Karin followed these directions to the letter AND we use the evaporated milk…  Will have to try again skipping this step and using evaporated milk to see if this step is worth the extra effort.)
Heat oil and butter in large heavy saucepan over medium heat. Add carrots, leeks, garlic and sweet potatoes. Saute until the leeks are translucent, about eight minutes, Add stock and evaporated milk or half & half.  Cover and simmer about thirty minutes. Stir occasionally. 
Either puree the soup in batches in a blender or simply carefully use an immersion blender (best tool ever) to puree soup.  Enjoy!
Made with Fat Free half and half, this recipe is about 122 calories per cup.  Made with evaporated milk 135 calories.  Made with heavy cream, 211 calories per cup.  You decide which is richer, I can’t tell a difference!

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Stability Ball Exercises Part 4

Category : Exercise

Two for You!

Here are two stability ball exercises you can do anytime, anywhere to strengthen your core and inner thigh.
That’s the purpose of our exercise blog…to introduce new and fun exercises that you can do at home with little or no equipment because we know you can’t always get to the gym!
Exercise #1: Stability Ball Inner Thigh Squeeze
Begin lying on your back and pick up the ball between your ankles. you legs should be as perpendicular to the floor as possible with knees just slightly bent. Squeeze the ball tightly between your ankles and hold the contraction for a count of five. Then relax, but don’t drop the ball. Repeat 5-10 times.
Exercise #2: Stability Ball Reach Over
Begin lying on your back holding the ball between your hands with the ball directly above your face. Then slowly reach overhead hinging from the shoulder and lower the ball to the floor. To make this an effective core exercise, take care not to allow your back to arch or your ribs to pop up when your reach. Exhale as you reach over this will help you to engage your core (especially your transverse abdominis)
Do you want to learn more stability ball exercises? Contact us!

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Stability Ball Exercises Part 3

Category : Exercise

Two for You!

Here are two stability ball exercises you can do anytime, anywhere to strengthen your core, glutes and hamstrings.
That’s the purpose of our exercise blog…to introduce new and fun exercises that you can do at home with little or no equipment because we know you can’t always get to the gym!
Exercise #1: Bridge with feet on ball
Begin lying on back with feet resting on ball. Lift your body off of the mat so you are in a straight line from your shoulders to your heels. Hold for 5-10 counts; lower down and repeat.
More Challenge: Lift your hands off the floor so that your core has to work harder to stabilize you. Add waving your hands in the air to make it even more difficult.
Exercise #2: Leg Curl
Begin lying on back with feet resting on ball. Lift your body off of the mat so you are in a straight line from your shoulders to your heels.  Bend knees rolling ball toward you; then straighten legs rolling the ball away. You may need to return to the floor after every rep when you first start. Build up to 5 at a time and eventually to 10 in a row.
More Challenge: Make it a single leg curl…lift one foot off the ball!
Want more exercises like these? Contact us!

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Stability Ball Exercises Part 2

Category : Exercise

Two for You!

Here are two stability ball exercises you can do anytime, anywhere to strengthen your core, glutes and balance.
That’s the purpose of our exercise blog…to introduce new and fun exercises that you can do at home with little or no equipment because we know you can’t always get to the gym!
Exercise #1: Seated Single Leg Balance
Begin in a seated position. Sit tall with shoulders directly over hips and spine in neutral. DO NOT let your hips tuck under into a pelvic tilt. Lift one foot from floor and hold it there while you count to five (or ten). Switch feet. Repeat five times with each leg.
Exercise #2: Bridge
Begin in a seated position and then walk your feet away from the ball until your head and shoulders are resting on the ball as shown on video. Feet should be about hip distance apart. Shoulders, hips and knees should be in one straight line. Next, lower hips toward the floor 6-8 inches and squeeze glutes to lift back up into a straight bridge. The ball should remain stationary. Repeat 15x
More Challenge: Hold hand weight resting on your upper leg while you perform this exercise.
Want to learn more stability ball and core exercises? Contact us!

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Stability Ball Exercises Part 1

Category : Exercise

Two for You!

Here are two stability ball exercises you can do anytime, anywhere to strengthen your lower back and glutes.
That’s the purpose of our exercise blog…to introduce new and fun exercises that you can do at home with little or no equipment because we know you can’t always get to the gym!
Exercise #1: Back Extension
Position yourself with your belly on the ball and your toes on the floor so you are balanced by three points: your toes (1 & 2) and the ball (3).
Lift your upper body away from the ball slightly arching your back. This is great for strengthening your lower back. Repeat 10x 
For more challenge: Try holding your arms out to the sides or extending them even further forward.
Exercise #2: Dolphin
Again, position yourself with your belly on the ball, but move your weight further forward over the top of the ball so that your hands are supporting some of your weight and your feet are not helping you balance. Your three balance points will be your hands (1 & 2) and the ball.
With your feet together, lift legs up until your body is in a straight line (or a little higher if you can) do this slowly without momentum. You’ll feel this in your glutes, low back and even inner thigh. Repeat 10x
Want to learn more exercises like these and train with a personal trainer? Contact us!

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Halloween Candy vs Burpees

Category : Healthy Eating

It’s the first week of October,

stores are well-stocked with trick-or-treat candy,

but does that mean you need to stock your pantry?!

Be realistic, if you buy Halloween candy now will it actually be around on October 31st when the kids come knocking?

Leave the candy in the store until just a few days before Halloween….

otherwise, stepping on the scale might get a little scary!


Burpee Calculator source:

 This might help put things in perspective you love burpees, right?

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Balance and core strength

Category : Exercise

Two for You!

Here are two exercises you can do anytime, anywhere for improved balance and core strength. 
That’s the purpose of our exercise blog…to introduce new and fun exercises that you can do at home with little or no equipment because we know you can’t always get to the gym!
Exercise #1: Figure 8 with hands
Balance on one foot and clasp your hand together with arms extended in front of you. Draw a figure 8 which is lying on its side as shown in the video.
Repeat 10x while balancing on each foot
For more challenge: Hold a small hand-weight while drawing your figure 8 
Exercise #2: Figure 8 with toe
Balance on one foot and extend your other leg straight out in front of you with your toe at about knee height. Draw a figure 8 (again, lying on its side) with your toe. Place your hands on your hips and concentrate on keeping your hips motionless while doing this exercise.
Do you want to learn more core and balance exercises like these? Contact us

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Core and Upper Body Strength

Category : Exercise

Two for You!

Here are two exercises you can do anytime, anywhere for core and upper body strength. 
That’s the purpose of our exercise blog…to introduce new and fun exercises that you can do at home with little or no equipment because we know you can’t always get to the gym!
Exercise #1: Alternating Reverse Fly
Start on hands & knees with hands on dumbbells. With elbow slightly bent, lift one arm out to side until it is parallel to the floor then lower the weight slowly to the floor and repeat with the other arm. Be sure to keep your shoulders square to the floor and abdominal muscles braced as you lift and lower the weight. Repeat 10x per arm alternating
For more challenge: Extend opposite leg straight out behind you as you lift the weight so that you are balanced on one hand and one knee.
Exercise #2: Alternating Chest Fly
Start lying on your back with knees bent and feet on the floor and hold the weights straight up above your shoulders.  With elbow slightly bent, slowly lower one weight out to the side until your elbow touches the floor…then lift back up to starting position and repeat with the other arm. Repeat 10x per arm alternating
For more challenge: Lift feet off of floor…hold legs up with knees & hips at right angles.
Want to learn more core exercises like these? Contact us!

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Core Exercises you can do

Category : Exercise

Two for You!

 Here are two core exercises you can do anytime, anywhere to strengthen obliques, rectus abdominis and transverse abdominis. 
That’s the purpose of our exercise blog…to introduce new and fun exercises that you can do at home with little or no equipment because we know you can’t always get to the gym!
Exercise #1: Heel taps
Start by lying on your back. Lift your knees so they are directly above your hips. You should have a right angle at both your hip and knee as shown. Then hinge from your hip and slowly lower one leg down to tap the floor with your heel. Slowly (I repeat,slowly) return to the starting position and then repeat with the other leg. You can make this more challenging by straightening the leg. Be sure to keep your spine in neutral and don’t let your pelvis tip as you lower your leg. Exhale as you lower your leg & inhale as you lift it back up. Do 10 alternating (5 on each side)
Exercise #2: Knee Drops
Start in the same position as Exercise #1 except place your arms straight out from your shoulders. Keeping knees and feet together, slowly lower legs over to one side twisting through your torso. Keep your shoulder blades in contact with the floor even if that means limiting how far over you lower your legs. Inhale as you twist to the side and exhale as you pull your legs back to center. Repeat on the other side. You can make this more challenging by changing the position of your arms as shown in the video. Do 10-20 alternating side to side.
Want to learn more core exercises like these? Contact us!

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Tone your legs and glutes

Category : Exercise

Two for You!

 Here are two kickboxing drills you can do anytime, anywhere to improve balance and tone  your legs and glutes. 
That’s the purpose of our exercise blog…to introduce new and fun exercises that you can do at home with little or no equipment because we know you can’t always get to the gym!
Exercise #1: Step back lunge and front kick
Step straight back…make it a BIG step so that you can drop down into a lunge. If your front knee is over your toes you need to take a bigger step. Then drive rear leg forward leading with the knee and extend the leg out straight.  Repeat 10 on each side.
Exercise #2: Curtsy squat and side kick
Step one foot behind the other and drop down into a curtsy squat as shown. Then execute a side kick bringing the leg up and out to the side. The knee should be bent as you bring the leg up, and finish by kicking the leg out straight and parallel to the floor. Knee cap and toe should be pointed straight ahead NOT at the ceiling. Repeat 10 on each side.
If you are struggling with your balance and unable to perform these use a chair for balance so that you can effectively tone your legs and glutes.
Want more exercises like these? Contact Karin!