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Go take a Hike: Dundee Mt. Summit Nature Trail

Category : Active Living

Welcome to hike #1 in our Hike Wisconsin series!

Dundee Mt. Summit Nature Trail

Although this is only a 1.5 mile loop hike it is challenging due to the elevation change. When you reach the top you will be rewarded with a spectacular view of the Northern Kettle Moraine Forest and Long Lake. There are wildflowers to enjoy and poison ivy to avoid (just stay on the trail).


Great view of the Northern Kettles from the top

Plus a bench if you need to sit down and catch your breath!


There are plenty of stairs to climb if you’re looking to do some interval training.


Careful…the wood gets slippery when wet!


Long Lake State Recreation Area

N3450 Division Road, Cascade, WI

20160724_120842 (1)

If you go:

You will need a Wisconsin State Park sticker ($28 annual fee/$13 for seniors)

or you can pay the daily fee of $8 ($3 for seniors) in order to drive/park in this state recreation area.

Finding the trail:

Once you make it to Long Lake, you still have to find the trailhead. You can’t rely on the signage to get you there…at least not the signs you can read from the car. You will find it nestled at the far south end of the Upper 900’s campground


This little sign marks the trailhead across from campsite 945

Long Lake Recreation Area Map



Figuring out where to park was the trickiest part, so that’s why I am giving you so many instructions! You cannot park in 900 campground loop except if you are camping there (you could “poach as spot” as my husband likes to say, but that could earn you a parking ticket). There are two places you can park:
  • Visitor parking located adjacent to the entrance for the 800’s campground, then walk on the road to the Upper 900’s campground and follow the signs to reach campsite 945.
  • South Picnic parking/boat launch parking then walk toward the boat launch and follow the trail to the left (heading south) until you reach the Upper 900’s campground loop at which point you can follow the road (turn right) and walk until you find campsite 945.

Comments Off on Why I’m a fan of Pokemon Go


Why I’m a fan of Pokemon Go

Category : Active Living

I recently heard a statistic: According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the average American spends 93% of their life indoors.

Kids spend an average of seven hours a day on screen-based entertainment media, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, so there is little time left to get outside and play. Personally, I’d rather take a walk and skip searching for Pokemon. I walked around our neighborhood and Voyageur Park with my 14 year old and it isn’t exactly rigorous activity, but if “Sitting is the new Smoking” then Pokemon Go! is at least a step in the right direction (pun intended). So they combine screen time with walking around the neighborhood…it’s awesome.


I missed the Pokemon craze back in the day…never traded a card, no idea who Picachu or any of the other Pokemon creatures were until my 14 year old started introducing them to me. If you haven’t played, ask someone who does to show you how it works. (Use their phone of course, why chew up your data?) It’s pretty cool to see those imaginary Pokemon creatures just standing on the sidewalk and there are Poke stops (these are places you can collect the balls you need to play). Most of these stops are associated with a sign or bench, so there are a lot of them at local parks. If you’ve noticed the incredible amount of foot traffic out along the Fox River Trail and on De Pere’s Riverwalk it’s thanks to the fact that every bench and sign out there is a stop!

Searching for Pokemon on De Pere's Riverwalk

Searching for Pokemon on De Pere’s Riverwalk

You can roll your eyes at the Pokemon craze, but if it gets people outside and moving then I am with Pokemon! Go Pokemon Go!

Yours in Health & Fitness, Karin

Comments Off on Avocado Toast


Avocado Toast

Category : Healthy Eating

Who knew mashing avocado on toast was trendy? Certainly not me…I’ve been making avocado toast for years because it’s quick, easy, delicious and nutritious.

I was very surprised to learn from a client (who travels a whole lot more than I do) that avocado toast is “a thing” on both coasts and here in the mid-west we’re missing out!!  I accidentally invented avocado toast (for myself) years ago because it’s a great substitute for some less desirable condiments such as mayo or butter.

Please, don’t worry about how many calories are in an avocado. The health benefits of the avocado far outweigh any concern you may have about the fat content… it’s monounsaturated fat which is “heart healthy” plus a little fat goes a long way toward helping you feel full longer so you will actually consume less calories throughout the day.

What’s so great about avocado?

  • They have more potassium than bananas
  • They are high in monounsaturated oleic acid, a “heart healthy” fatty acid that is believed to be one of the main reasons for the health benefits of olive oil.
  • A 100 gram (3.5 ounce) serving of avocado contains 7 grams of fiber, which is 27% of the recommended daily amount.
  • Numerous studies have shown that eating avocado can improve heart disease risk factors like Total, LDL and HDL cholesterol, as well as blood triglycerides.
  • Avocados are high in antioxidants, including Lutein and Zeaxanthin. These nutrients are very important for eye health and lower the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts.
  • They are rich in vitamins and minerals, such as B-vitamins, vitamin K, potassium, copper, vitamin E and vitamin C.
  • One of my favorite breakfasts...avocado and egg sandwich

    One of my favorite breakfasts…avocado and egg sandwich

Comments Off on Motivation in March


Motivation in March

Category : Exercise

January is a distant memory…what about your New Years Resolutions? If they’ve fallen by the wayside, don’t worry…it happens to the best of us. Do you need to get moving again? Here’s what to do:


Keep track on a chart

It may seem silly, but most grown-ups are just as motivated as grade-schoolers by something as simple as a chart on the wall with stickers or smiley faces. Try this at home: Place a calendar which is dedicated to keeping track of your workouts in a prominent location such as your refrigerator. Everyday you workout draw a smiley face (or give yourself a sticker) on the calendar. Everyday you do not workout draw a big red “X” on the day. That way you have a visual. More than two red X’s in a row and you will know you better get a move on! Any week you have more smiley faces than X’s reward yourself!


Schedule four workouts per week.

Take a few minutes each weekend to look ahead to the coming week and figure out which four days and times you will exercise. Scheduling four may seem like a lot, but consider the fact that “something will come up” on one of those days and you will have to cancel. In that case, at least you will get three workouts in. Consider that fourth workout as a “bonus” workout. If you complete it reward yourself!


Find an exercise buddy.

Exercising with a friend is more fun. It also makes it harder to cancel your workout because you have someone to answer to. You may even want to wager a friendly bet: Anytime you or your friend skips a planned workout the one who cancels has to put $5 into the jar. At the end of the month the person with the best track record gets all the money in the jar.


Register for an event.

Starting in April the calendar is literally exploding with opportunities to participate in everything from a 5K walk/run to an Ironman Triathlon. Pick an event which will be challenging, but not ridiculously so. Check out Having an event out there on the horizon you know you will have to stick to your workout in order to be ready in time. Many event websites post a workout schedule which you can follow; if not, a personal trainer can help you organize your workouts so you will be prepared for your event.


Try something new.

Perhaps you are tired of the same old, same old. Try a new activity, get some new workout clothes or shoes, buy some new music or a new exercise DVD. A small monetary investment may be all you need to get yourself moving again. Wouldn’t you feel guilty if you let those new shoes just sit there collecting dust?


Remember, Spring is just around the corner and you want to be in great shape by then! Pick one of these ideas and give it a whirl. Let me know which one you try and how it is working for you I would love to hear from you!


Karin Jennings is a certified personal trainer and co-owner of XO Fitness, LLC in De Pere.

Comments Off on Protein Quality and Quantity


Protein Quality and Quantity

Category : Healthy Eating

I’ve been a big advocate of protein over the years and have written plenty of articles about the benefits of protein and how to get more protein into your diet. There’s always more to learn though, so I wanted to share what I recently read in this month’s IDEA Fitness Journal called “Tapping the Power of Protein” by Christopher R. Mohr, PhD, RD. This article emphasizes eating high quality protein at least three times per day.

Here’s what I learned:

Be sure to eat protein throughout the day, but particularly at breakfast.

Americans tend to eat most of their protein later in the day, however we should really be eating in for breakfast. According to Stewart Phillips, PhD and professor at McMaster University, “It’s a good idea to aim for around 20 g of protein if you’re younger or 30-40 g if you’re older.” Also, in a 12-week study conducted by Heather Leidy, PhD, an assistant professor at the University of Missouri it was discovered that a high protein breakfast (35 g of protein) reduced daily hunger and  led to voluntary reductions of about 400 calories in daily food intake.

Also, not all protein is created equal…

I learned about an amino acid called leucine. When this amino acid is present muscle protein synthesis will occur. So which foods that are high in leucine? IDEA fitness journal’s article mentions the following: cottage cheese, chicken breast, ground beef, wild salmon, whole egg. I searched online for more options because I felt that list was very limited for vegetarians. Here are some good choices: soybeans, pumpkin seeds, peanuts, and white beans. The goal is to eat 2.2-3 g of protein with each meal.

Comments Off on When to buy Organic


When to buy Organic

Category : Healthy Eating

This is great time of year to buy fresh produce…But the burning question is: When to buy organic?

A nonprofit organization call the Environmental Working Group looked at 51,000 pesticide tests for 53 popular fruits and vegetables and then ranked them based on how much and how many different pesticides were found. The Dirty Dozen is their list of the 12 foods shown to have the highest levels. Whenever possible, buy the organic versions of these 12 fruits and vegetables.

Dirty Dozen







Sweet Bell Pepper

Imported Nectarines


Cherry Tomatoes

Imported Snap Peas


Giving credit where credit is due: This information adapted from an article by Dr. Mark Roussell PhD

Comments Off on Flip flops are bad for you


Flip flops are bad for you

Category : Active Living

by Karin Jennings

I see flip flops everywhere I go during the summer, but honestly, I can’t stand them!

I don’t like the feeling of the thong between my toes.
I don’t like the way my arches cave inward because they have zero arch support.
I can’t walk normally in them because I have to grip with my toes in order to keep them on my feet.

All of this got me wondering: Is it just me or are flip flops actually bad for your feet?

I did some research…Turns our my gut feeling about flip flops was right: Flip flops are bad for you!

Here is what I found out:

In 2008, Auburn University conducted a study led by biomechanics doctoral student Justin Shoyer. The researchers speculated that the altered gait could result in pain from the foot up into the hips and lower back.
“When people walk in flip-flops, they alter their gait, which can result in problems and pain from the foot up into the hips and lower back. Variations like this at the foot can result in changes up the kinetic chain, which in this case can extend upward in the wearer’s body.”

Other problems with flip flops include:
  • Tripping by catching your toes
  • Injuring your toes because they are completely exposed
  • Sun burning your feet
  • Exposing your feet to bacteria and fungus
  • Difficulties driving because they can get caught under the pedals

If you are going to wear flip flops:

Check out these better choices in the flip flop world

Here’s to your happy, healthy feet!

Comments Off on Avoid Weekend Weight Gain


Avoid Weekend Weight Gain

Category : Healthy Eating

Are you “good” all week, but sabotage your weight-loss efforts on the weekend? Avoid weekend weight gain with the tips below! Researchers at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis studied how weekend behaviors affect weight loss. The study involved 48 healthy adults aged 50 to 60 years. Prior to starting these programs all participants were found to consistently gain weight on weekends, but not weekdays! In fact, the average weekend weight gain would have led to an extra nine pounds over the course of one year. The researchers divided the participants into 3 groups:
  • Group 1 (diet group) took in 20% fewer calories each day but didn’t change their activity level.
  • Group 2 (exercise group) increased their daily exercise regimen but didn’t change their diet, to have a comparable energy deficit as Group 1.
  • Group 3 (control group) did not change their diet or activity level.
What happened? During the year-long program both Group 1 and Group 2 did well during the week, however on weekends the diet group stopped losing weight and the exercise group gained weight due to higher calorie intake. According to Susan B. Racette, PhD, assistant professor of physical therapy and medicine at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis,  “We thought weekends would present a problem for some people attempting to lose weight, but the consistency of our finding before and during the interventions was surprising. Subjects in the diet group lost weight during the week, but over the weekend, they stopped losing weight because they were eating more. Ideas for minimizing weekend weight gain We all tend to worry about the holiday weight gain, however it certainly seems we need to be wary of weekends. Especially since there are 52 weekends each year! Maintaining a consistent effort throughout the weekend is extremely important to successful weight-loss. Here are some ways you can minimize the impact of the weekend:
  • Eat before you go grocery shopping Many people do their week’s grocery shopping on Saturday or Sunday, do not go to the store hungry or you will most certainly put things in your cart on impulse.
  • Keep healthy snacks on handy in the car Whether you are traveling or running errands, carrying a healthy snack will keep you out of the drive-thru lane.
  • Keep a food journal A journal will make you more mindful of what you are putting into your mouth. A recent study found that food journaling actually doubled weight-loss efforts!
  • Limit eating out Try to avoid fast food all together. If you do eat out remember to eat reasonable portions and eat all your vegetables.
  • Limit your alcohol consumption There are a lot of empty calories in alcohol. It also reduces your inhibitions to eat junk food AND makes you feel hungrier.
  • Plan to get some exercise Schedule in exercise either one or both days. If you are away from home and no equipment is available simply put on your walking shoes and get moving!
After the weekend, reflect back…
  • Which tactics above did you try? Did they work?
  • What did you do well?
  • Ask yourself: What can you do better next weekend?
Have a fit & healthy weekend! Karin

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Mother Daughter Fitness: Part 3

Category : Active Living

This week’s Mother Daughter Fitness team:  

Meet Dina & Ashley

Dina has been training at XO Fitness since 2012. Ashley joined her starting last summer.

Dina has been training at XO Fitness since 2012. Ashley joined her starting last summer.

Whose idea was it to start working out together? Why?

Dina: It was my idea to start working out together.  I wanted to do something active with Ashley rather than just sitting on the couch together.  I wanted to show her that you don’t have to be an athlete to be in shape, you just have to be willing to put a little effort forth.  I’d be willing to bet that if she saw what we were able to do at our first session versus our current session she would be shocked at what she’s accomplished.  Because of my past experience with Lori at XO I knew that you would be able to help us with strength and toning that we wouldn’t otherwise accomplish on our own.

What do you like best about working out with your mom/daughter?

Dina: The one hour of working out at XO with Ashley seems to go by much faster than trying to do a workout on my own at home.  I like that we both secretly try to compete against each other, even though neither one of us would admit it.  It’s what’s helped us push forward thru tough workouts.  We also get a good laugh at each other afterwards.  
Ashley: It makes it more interesting and it gives me quality time with my mom.

Comments Off on Stretches for Cyclists


Stretches for Cyclists

Category : Exercise

We wanted to share some of the best stretches for cyclists with you because it is officially Bike to Work Week! Be sure that when you finish your ride you take the time to work on your flexibility. Stretch your hip flexors, quadriceps, low back, and chest so that your overall posture won’t be affected.   Hold all stretches for at least 5 seconds (on the video the stretches aren’t held for the entire length of time just to keep it short and to the point).  

Check out our video to see what you can do to get those muscles stretched out after your workout!


If you are interested in more stretches that you can do after cycling contact us at info@xofitness.comHope to see you out and about! Happy riding!

Comments Off on Go take a Hike: Dundee Mt. Summit Nature Trail


Go take a Hike: Dundee Mt. Summit Nature Trail

Category : Active Living

Welcome to hike #1 in our Hike Wisconsin series!

Dundee Mt. Summit Nature Trail

Although this is only a 1.5 mile loop hike it is challenging due to the elevation change. When you reach the top you will be rewarded with a spectacular view of the Northern Kettle Moraine Forest and Long Lake. There are wildflowers to enjoy and poison ivy to avoid (just stay on the trail).


Great view of the Northern Kettles from the top

Plus a bench if you need to sit down and catch your breath!


There are plenty of stairs to climb if you’re looking to do some interval training.


Careful…the wood gets slippery when wet!


Long Lake State Recreation Area

N3450 Division Road, Cascade, WI

20160724_120842 (1)

If you go:

You will need a Wisconsin State Park sticker ($28 annual fee/$13 for seniors)

or you can pay the daily fee of $8 ($3 for seniors) in order to drive/park in this state recreation area.

Finding the trail:

Once you make it to Long Lake, you still have to find the trailhead. You can’t rely on the signage to get you there…at least not the signs you can read from the car. You will find it nestled at the far south end of the Upper 900’s campground


This little sign marks the trailhead across from campsite 945

Long Lake Recreation Area Map



Figuring out where to park was the trickiest part, so that’s why I am giving you so many instructions! You cannot park in 900 campground loop except if you are camping there (you could “poach as spot” as my husband likes to say, but that could earn you a parking ticket). There are two places you can park:
  • Visitor parking located adjacent to the entrance for the 800’s campground, then walk on the road to the Upper 900’s campground and follow the signs to reach campsite 945.
  • South Picnic parking/boat launch parking then walk toward the boat launch and follow the trail to the left (heading south) until you reach the Upper 900’s campground loop at which point you can follow the road (turn right) and walk until you find campsite 945.

Comments Off on Why I’m a fan of Pokemon Go


Why I’m a fan of Pokemon Go

Category : Active Living

I recently heard a statistic: According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the average American spends 93% of their life indoors.

Kids spend an average of seven hours a day on screen-based entertainment media, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, so there is little time left to get outside and play. Personally, I’d rather take a walk and skip searching for Pokemon. I walked around our neighborhood and Voyageur Park with my 14 year old and it isn’t exactly rigorous activity, but if “Sitting is the new Smoking” then Pokemon Go! is at least a step in the right direction (pun intended). So they combine screen time with walking around the neighborhood…it’s awesome.


I missed the Pokemon craze back in the day…never traded a card, no idea who Picachu or any of the other Pokemon creatures were until my 14 year old started introducing them to me. If you haven’t played, ask someone who does to show you how it works. (Use their phone of course, why chew up your data?) It’s pretty cool to see those imaginary Pokemon creatures just standing on the sidewalk and there are Poke stops (these are places you can collect the balls you need to play). Most of these stops are associated with a sign or bench, so there are a lot of them at local parks. If you’ve noticed the incredible amount of foot traffic out along the Fox River Trail and on De Pere’s Riverwalk it’s thanks to the fact that every bench and sign out there is a stop!

Searching for Pokemon on De Pere's Riverwalk

Searching for Pokemon on De Pere’s Riverwalk

You can roll your eyes at the Pokemon craze, but if it gets people outside and moving then I am with Pokemon! Go Pokemon Go!

Yours in Health & Fitness, Karin

Comments Off on Avocado Toast


Avocado Toast

Category : Healthy Eating

Who knew mashing avocado on toast was trendy? Certainly not me…I’ve been making avocado toast for years because it’s quick, easy, delicious and nutritious.

I was very surprised to learn from a client (who travels a whole lot more than I do) that avocado toast is “a thing” on both coasts and here in the mid-west we’re missing out!!  I accidentally invented avocado toast (for myself) years ago because it’s a great substitute for some less desirable condiments such as mayo or butter.

Please, don’t worry about how many calories are in an avocado. The health benefits of the avocado far outweigh any concern you may have about the fat content… it’s monounsaturated fat which is “heart healthy” plus a little fat goes a long way toward helping you feel full longer so you will actually consume less calories throughout the day.

What’s so great about avocado?

  • They have more potassium than bananas
  • They are high in monounsaturated oleic acid, a “heart healthy” fatty acid that is believed to be one of the main reasons for the health benefits of olive oil.
  • A 100 gram (3.5 ounce) serving of avocado contains 7 grams of fiber, which is 27% of the recommended daily amount.
  • Numerous studies have shown that eating avocado can improve heart disease risk factors like Total, LDL and HDL cholesterol, as well as blood triglycerides.
  • Avocados are high in antioxidants, including Lutein and Zeaxanthin. These nutrients are very important for eye health and lower the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts.
  • They are rich in vitamins and minerals, such as B-vitamins, vitamin K, potassium, copper, vitamin E and vitamin C.
  • One of my favorite breakfasts...avocado and egg sandwich

    One of my favorite breakfasts…avocado and egg sandwich

Comments Off on Motivation in March


Motivation in March

Category : Exercise

January is a distant memory…what about your New Years Resolutions? If they’ve fallen by the wayside, don’t worry…it happens to the best of us. Do you need to get moving again? Here’s what to do:


Keep track on a chart

It may seem silly, but most grown-ups are just as motivated as grade-schoolers by something as simple as a chart on the wall with stickers or smiley faces. Try this at home: Place a calendar which is dedicated to keeping track of your workouts in a prominent location such as your refrigerator. Everyday you workout draw a smiley face (or give yourself a sticker) on the calendar. Everyday you do not workout draw a big red “X” on the day. That way you have a visual. More than two red X’s in a row and you will know you better get a move on! Any week you have more smiley faces than X’s reward yourself!


Schedule four workouts per week.

Take a few minutes each weekend to look ahead to the coming week and figure out which four days and times you will exercise. Scheduling four may seem like a lot, but consider the fact that “something will come up” on one of those days and you will have to cancel. In that case, at least you will get three workouts in. Consider that fourth workout as a “bonus” workout. If you complete it reward yourself!


Find an exercise buddy.

Exercising with a friend is more fun. It also makes it harder to cancel your workout because you have someone to answer to. You may even want to wager a friendly bet: Anytime you or your friend skips a planned workout the one who cancels has to put $5 into the jar. At the end of the month the person with the best track record gets all the money in the jar.


Register for an event.

Starting in April the calendar is literally exploding with opportunities to participate in everything from a 5K walk/run to an Ironman Triathlon. Pick an event which will be challenging, but not ridiculously so. Check out Having an event out there on the horizon you know you will have to stick to your workout in order to be ready in time. Many event websites post a workout schedule which you can follow; if not, a personal trainer can help you organize your workouts so you will be prepared for your event.


Try something new.

Perhaps you are tired of the same old, same old. Try a new activity, get some new workout clothes or shoes, buy some new music or a new exercise DVD. A small monetary investment may be all you need to get yourself moving again. Wouldn’t you feel guilty if you let those new shoes just sit there collecting dust?


Remember, Spring is just around the corner and you want to be in great shape by then! Pick one of these ideas and give it a whirl. Let me know which one you try and how it is working for you I would love to hear from you!


Karin Jennings is a certified personal trainer and co-owner of XO Fitness, LLC in De Pere.

Comments Off on Protein Quality and Quantity


Protein Quality and Quantity

Category : Healthy Eating

I’ve been a big advocate of protein over the years and have written plenty of articles about the benefits of protein and how to get more protein into your diet. There’s always more to learn though, so I wanted to share what I recently read in this month’s IDEA Fitness Journal called “Tapping the Power of Protein” by Christopher R. Mohr, PhD, RD. This article emphasizes eating high quality protein at least three times per day.

Here’s what I learned:

Be sure to eat protein throughout the day, but particularly at breakfast.

Americans tend to eat most of their protein later in the day, however we should really be eating in for breakfast. According to Stewart Phillips, PhD and professor at McMaster University, “It’s a good idea to aim for around 20 g of protein if you’re younger or 30-40 g if you’re older.” Also, in a 12-week study conducted by Heather Leidy, PhD, an assistant professor at the University of Missouri it was discovered that a high protein breakfast (35 g of protein) reduced daily hunger and  led to voluntary reductions of about 400 calories in daily food intake.

Also, not all protein is created equal…

I learned about an amino acid called leucine. When this amino acid is present muscle protein synthesis will occur. So which foods that are high in leucine? IDEA fitness journal’s article mentions the following: cottage cheese, chicken breast, ground beef, wild salmon, whole egg. I searched online for more options because I felt that list was very limited for vegetarians. Here are some good choices: soybeans, pumpkin seeds, peanuts, and white beans. The goal is to eat 2.2-3 g of protein with each meal.

Comments Off on When to buy Organic


When to buy Organic

Category : Healthy Eating

This is great time of year to buy fresh produce…But the burning question is: When to buy organic?

A nonprofit organization call the Environmental Working Group looked at 51,000 pesticide tests for 53 popular fruits and vegetables and then ranked them based on how much and how many different pesticides were found. The Dirty Dozen is their list of the 12 foods shown to have the highest levels. Whenever possible, buy the organic versions of these 12 fruits and vegetables.

Dirty Dozen







Sweet Bell Pepper

Imported Nectarines


Cherry Tomatoes

Imported Snap Peas


Giving credit where credit is due: This information adapted from an article by Dr. Mark Roussell PhD

Comments Off on Flip flops are bad for you


Flip flops are bad for you

Category : Active Living

by Karin Jennings

I see flip flops everywhere I go during the summer, but honestly, I can’t stand them!

I don’t like the feeling of the thong between my toes.
I don’t like the way my arches cave inward because they have zero arch support.
I can’t walk normally in them because I have to grip with my toes in order to keep them on my feet.

All of this got me wondering: Is it just me or are flip flops actually bad for your feet?

I did some research…Turns our my gut feeling about flip flops was right: Flip flops are bad for you!

Here is what I found out:

In 2008, Auburn University conducted a study led by biomechanics doctoral student Justin Shoyer. The researchers speculated that the altered gait could result in pain from the foot up into the hips and lower back.
“When people walk in flip-flops, they alter their gait, which can result in problems and pain from the foot up into the hips and lower back. Variations like this at the foot can result in changes up the kinetic chain, which in this case can extend upward in the wearer’s body.”
Read article Flip flops: Fashionable but not functional by Justin Shoyer

Other problems with flip flops include:
  • Tripping by catching your toes
  • Injuring your toes because they are completely exposed
  • Sun burning your feet
  • Exposing your feet to bacteria and fungus
  • Difficulties driving because they can get caught under the pedals

If you are going to wear flip flops:

Check out these better choices in the flip flop world

Here’s to your happy, healthy feet!

Comments Off on Avoid Weekend Weight Gain


Avoid Weekend Weight Gain

Category : Healthy Eating

Are you “good” all week, but sabotage your weight-loss efforts on the weekend? Avoid weekend weight gain with the tips below! Researchers at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis studied how weekend behaviors affect weight loss. The study involved 48 healthy adults aged 50 to 60 years. Prior to starting these programs all participants were found to consistently gain weight on weekends, but not weekdays! In fact, the average weekend weight gain would have led to an extra nine pounds over the course of one year. The researchers divided the participants into 3 groups:
  • Group 1 (diet group) took in 20% fewer calories each day but didn’t change their activity level.
  • Group 2 (exercise group) increased their daily exercise regimen but didn’t change their diet, to have a comparable energy deficit as Group 1.
  • Group 3 (control group) did not change their diet or activity level.
What happened? During the year-long program both Group 1 and Group 2 did well during the week, however on weekends the diet group stopped losing weight and the exercise group gained weight due to higher calorie intake. According to Susan B. Racette, PhD, assistant professor of physical therapy and medicine at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis,  “We thought weekends would present a problem for some people attempting to lose weight, but the consistency of our finding before and during the interventions was surprising. Subjects in the diet group lost weight during the week, but over the weekend, they stopped losing weight because they were eating more. Ideas for minimizing weekend weight gain We all tend to worry about the holiday weight gain, however it certainly seems we need to be wary of weekends. Especially since there are 52 weekends each year! Maintaining a consistent effort throughout the weekend is extremely important to successful weight-loss. Here are some ways you can minimize the impact of the weekend:
  • Eat before you go grocery shopping Many people do their week’s grocery shopping on Saturday or Sunday, do not go to the store hungry or you will most certainly put things in your cart on impulse.
  • Keep healthy snacks on handy in the car Whether you are traveling or running errands, carrying a healthy snack will keep you out of the drive-thru lane.
  • Keep a food journal A journal will make you more mindful of what you are putting into your mouth. A recent study found that food journaling actually doubled weight-loss efforts!
  • Limit eating out Try to avoid fast food all together. If you do eat out remember to eat reasonable portions and eat all your vegetables.
  • Limit your alcohol consumption There are a lot of empty calories in alcohol. It also reduces your inhibitions to eat junk food AND makes you feel hungrier.
  • Plan to get some exercise Schedule in exercise either one or both days. If you are away from home and no equipment is available simply put on your walking shoes and get moving!
After the weekend, reflect back…
  • Which tactics above did you try? Did they work?
  • What did you do well?
  • Ask yourself: What can you do better next weekend?
Have a fit & healthy weekend! Karin

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Mother Daughter Fitness: Part 3

Category : Active Living

This week’s Mother Daughter Fitness team:  

Meet Dina & Ashley

Dina has been training at XO Fitness since 2012. Ashley joined her starting last summer.

Dina has been training at XO Fitness since 2012. Ashley joined her starting last summer.

Whose idea was it to start working out together? Why?

Dina: It was my idea to start working out together.  I wanted to do something active with Ashley rather than just sitting on the couch together.  I wanted to show her that you don’t have to be an athlete to be in shape, you just have to be willing to put a little effort forth.  I’d be willing to bet that if she saw what we were able to do at our first session versus our current session she would be shocked at what she’s accomplished.  Because of my past experience with Lori at XO I knew that you would be able to help us with strength and toning that we wouldn’t otherwise accomplish on our own.

What do you like best about working out with your mom/daughter?

Dina: The one hour of working out at XO with Ashley seems to go by much faster than trying to do a workout on my own at home.  I like that we both secretly try to compete against each other, even though neither one of us would admit it.  It’s what’s helped us push forward thru tough workouts.  We also get a good laugh at each other afterwards.  
Ashley: It makes it more interesting and it gives me quality time with my mom.

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Stretches for Cyclists

Category : Exercise

We wanted to share some of the best stretches for cyclists with you because it is officially Bike to Work Week! Be sure that when you finish your ride you take the time to work on your flexibility. Stretch your hip flexors, quadriceps, low back, and chest so that your overall posture won’t be affected.   Hold all stretches for at least 5 seconds (on the video the stretches aren’t held for the entire length of time just to keep it short and to the point).  

Check out our video to see what you can do to get those muscles stretched out after your workout!


If you are interested in more stretches that you can do after cycling contact us at info@xofitness.comHope to see you out and about! Happy riding!