Comments Off on >Whole Wheat Pizza Crust

>Whole Wheat Pizza Crust

Category : Healthy Eating


• 1 T white sugar

• 1 1/2 cups warm water (110 degrees F/45 degrees C)

• 1 tablespoon active dry yeast

• 1 tablespoon olive oil

• 1 teaspoon salt

• 3+ cups whole wheat flour


1. In a large bowl, dissolve sugar in warm water. Sprinkle yeast over the top, and let stand for about 10 minutes, until foamy.

2. Stir the olive oil and salt into the yeast mixture, then mix in the whole wheat flour and 1 cup of the all-purpose flour until dough starts to come together. Tip dough out onto a surface floured with the remaining all-purpose flour, and knead until all of the flour has been absorbed, and the ball of dough becomes smooth, about 10 minutes. Place dough in an oiled bowl, and turn to coat the surface. Cover loosely with a towel, and let stand in a warm place until doubled in size, about 1 hour.

3. When the dough is doubled, tip the dough out onto a lightly floured surface, and divide into 2 pieces for 2 thin crust, or leave whole to make one thick crust. Form into a tight ball. Let rise for about 45 minutes, until doubled.

4. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C). Roll a ball of dough with a rolling pin until it will not stretch any further. Then, drape it over both of your fists, and gently pull the edges outward, while rotating the crust. When the circle has reached the desired size, place on a well oiled pizza pan. Top pizza with your favorite toppings, such as sauce, cheese, meats, or vegetables.

5. Bake for 16 to 20 minutes (depending on thickness) in the preheated oven, until the crust is crisp and golden at the edges, and cheese is melted on the top.

Comments Off on >Spring Shape-Up starts March 22nd!

>Spring Shape-Up starts March 22nd!

Category : Healthy Eating


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>Six Week Spring Shape-Up

Category : Healthy Eating

>Spring is Coming…Are you ready?

Sign-up today: call xo fitness at 339-0630 or email

Begins: March 22 

What you get:

Pre and Post Measurements
   (includes body composition, circumference measurements, weight)
     IMPORTANT: Schedule pre-measurement appointment for week of March 15-20.
New A-B-C exercises each week
     (Awesome Arms-Better Butt-Concrete Core)


Use of cardio equipment at xo up to 60 minutes daily

Weekly Seminars (see below for more information)

Weekly Nutrition and Activity Log check-in
    Yes, your trainer will be watching!!

Weekly Weigh-In
    Each Monday before Seminar

Client Cost: $149

Not a client? $199

Weekly Seminar Schedule
Monday Mornings 10:10-11:10 am
Please note there will be no presentation on Monday morning, April 5th
instead this group will meet on Wednesday, April 7th at 10:10 am

Monday Nights 7:10-8:10 pm


Week 1
My Goal is to be Healthy
Karin Jennings, CPT

Week 2
Macronutrients: Balance Carbs, Proteins and Fats
Joanne Gardner, CS, RD

Week 3
What Wise Women Know: Balanced Hormones are the Key to Feeling Great
Randi Mann, board certified women’s health nurse practitioner
Week 4
Micronutrients: Vitamins, Minerals, and the nutrients that support Energy
Joanne Gardner, CS, RD
Week 5
Week 6
Practical tips on Healthy Snacking Get more fruits, vegetables and whole grains
Joanne Gardner, CS, RD

Want to attend the seminars ONLY?
$59 ($79 for non-clients)
Guests are welcome…bring a guest to any seminar for an additional $10

Want everything but the seminars?
$99 ($129 for non-clients)

Comments Off on >Red Dress Winners

>Red Dress Winners

Category : Healthy Eating

>A recap of all our winners!

Week 1
Amanda takes home the gift card from Klika Shoes, Smart Wool Socks and a very cute purse created by Angela! We hope you will visit Klika Shoes in Downtown De Pere:

Week 2
Gail C took home the lovely gift package from Chestnut Gallery and Gifts.
Thank you to Julie May for the generous contribution!

Week 3
Sue K won the festive red purse created by Gini Mitchell…thanks, Gini!!

Week 4
Sheila took home the prize package from Envy Hair Salon.
Thanks to Patty Roznowski for the kind donation!


Congratulations goes out to Shannon our Red Dress Challenge Grand Prize Winner!
She won the warm and sunny painting pictured below and a massage from our good neighbor at Chirapsia.
Thank you to Sue Watson for donating the one of her fabulous paintings.
To view more of Sue’s painting got to:

Also, visit Chirapsia to find out more about Kristine Augustson’s services:

Comments Off on >Tip of the Day #1

>Tip of the Day #1

Category : Healthy Eating

>Getting the Whole (Grain) Picture…tips from the ADA

Look at any healthy eating plan, and you will see whole grains as a staple ingredient. Whole grains are important sources of fiber, phytonutrients and key vitamins and minerals.

Your goal should be to eat at least three whole-grain servings per day. Venture beyond white pasta and rice and you’ll discover whole grains are easy to cook and incorporate into your favorite dishes.

•Add cooked grains to stews, soups and vegetable salads.

•Start the day with hot breakfast cereal with warm milk, chopped fresh seasonal fruits and flavorings like cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla and maple extract.

•Create a side dish pilaf by sautéing vegetables in a small amount of olive oil and adding cooked whole grains.

•Marinate cooked grains with salad dressings and sprinkle or toss into main course salads.

While most grains can be cooked on the stovetop using two parts water to one part grain, you may need slightly more water for drier grains like millet, quinoa and amaranth.

For more information on creating a healthy eating plan, visit the Vitamins and Nutrients section of this site.

P.S. from xo fitness:
Ask us for a list of our favorite whole grains…don’t be misled by labels claiming to be whole wheat!

Comments Off on >Tip of the Day #2

>Tip of the Day #2

Category : Healthy Eating

>Nutrition from the Ground Up: Fruits…tips from the ADA

Depending on your age, weight and activity level, you should be eating about 1½ to 2 cups of fruit every day. Do you find it hard to meet that goal?

Take time during National Nutrition Month to evaluate the fruit you eat, and if you are lagging behind, these tips can help:

•Start your day by adding fruit to your cereal or on top of whole-grain waffles or pancakes.

•Make a large batch of smoothies with frozen fruit and low-fat or fat-free yogurt and milk. Portion into smaller containers for individual servings and refreeze.

•Add fruit to salads. This not only boosts nutrition but adds texture and taste. Add orange slices or strawberries to spinach salads or toss grapes into a mixed green salad.

•Top your turkey sandwich with cranberries, sliced pears or apples.

•For dessert, add sliced bananas, berries or peaches to non-fat yogurt or as a topper for angel food cake.

•When it comes to snacking, dried fruit can be equally as nutritious as fresh. However, be mindful of added sugars.

And never forget good ol’ whole fruit. Keeping your fridge stocked with a variety of fruits will give you healthy options when the hunger bug strikes. For more tips on getting your daily allotment of fruit, visit MyPyramid.

P.S. From xo fitness:
Place a fruit bowl in a prominent place (apples, oranges and bananas do well out of the fridge). If you store fruit in the bottom drawer of the fridge it is out of site, out of mind and might just stay there until it gets mushy!

Comments Off on >Tip of the Day #3

>Tip of the Day #3

Category : Healthy Eating

>Get the Most from Your Vegetables…tips from the ADA

Vegetables are a great source of vitamins and nutrients. However, water-soluble vitamins like vitamin C, riboflavin, thiamin and folate can be destroyed by exposure to air, water or heat. To keep the vitamins in your vegetables from escaping:

•Cook vegetables in a small amount of water, just enough to keep the pan from scorching.

•Steam, microwave or stir-fry vegetables instead of boiling to reduce the amount of time they are exposed to heat.

•Cooler temperatures help preserve vitamins, so store produce in the refrigerator.

•Cut up vegetables just before cooking and serving time to decrease the amount of their surface that is exposed to air.

Follow these tips to get the most vitamin bang out of your vegetables.

P.S. from xo fitness:
Eat as many different colors of veggies as you can!

Comments Off on >GRAND PRIZE for Red Dress Challenge

>GRAND PRIZE for Red Dress Challenge

Category : Healthy Eating

Thank you to Sue Watson
for this lovely painting
which will help the winner
think warm thoughts until Spring!

To view more of Sue’s art work, visit her website:

But wait, There’s more…
this package also includes
a gift certificate to Chirapsia
for a relaxing massage.

Comments Off on >Red Dress Challenge: Prizes Week 4

>Red Dress Challenge: Prizes Week 4

Category : Healthy Eating

>Keeping with our red theme, Patty Roznowski, owner of Envy Salon (formerly Saturday Night Salon) donated this great gift package which is sure to make you look great this winter.

Envy Salon is located at 592 Redbird Circle in De Pere ~ (920) 336-4282

Comments Off on >Red Dress Challenge: Prizes Week 3

>Red Dress Challenge: Prizes Week 3

Category : Healthy Eating

>Thanks to another creative & talented client, Gini Mitchell for the hand-made, festive felt purse.