>Nutrition from the Ground Up: Fruits…tips from the ADA
Depending on your age, weight and activity level, you should be eating about 1½ to 2 cups of fruit every day. Do you find it hard to meet that goal?
Take time during National Nutrition Month to evaluate the fruit you eat, and if you are lagging behind, these tips can help:
•Start your day by adding fruit to your cereal or on top of whole-grain waffles or pancakes.
•Make a large batch of smoothies with frozen fruit and low-fat or fat-free yogurt and milk. Portion into smaller containers for individual servings and refreeze.
•Add fruit to salads. This not only boosts nutrition but adds texture and taste. Add orange slices or strawberries to spinach salads or toss grapes into a mixed green salad.
•Top your turkey sandwich with cranberries, sliced pears or apples.
•For dessert, add sliced bananas, berries or peaches to non-fat yogurt or as a topper for angel food cake.
•When it comes to snacking, dried fruit can be equally as nutritious as fresh. However, be mindful of added sugars.
And never forget good ol’ whole fruit. Keeping your fridge stocked with a variety of fruits will give you healthy options when the hunger bug strikes. For more tips on getting your daily allotment of fruit, visit MyPyramid.
P.S. From xo fitness:
Place a fruit bowl in a prominent place (apples, oranges and bananas do well out of the fridge). If you store fruit in the bottom drawer of the fridge it is out of site, out of mind and might just stay there until it gets mushy!