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>Back to Fitness: The 3 R’s

Category : Exercise

Did your fitness routine go freestyle this summer? The trouble with summer is that people tend to be inconsistent about exercising. This happens for a multitude of reasons: a) the kids are home; b) week-long vacations and travel; c) relying on outdoor activities like gardening and walking for exercise.

Now that September is here it is time to get back to fitness! How to start? ”Back to School” and “Back to Fitness” have a lot of similarities. Here are the “Three R’s”:

Regular Routine

Schedule your exercise. Consistency is the key to success. “I am going to get in shape this fall” is far too vague. Instead, say “I am going to exercise for 30 minutes three days a week for the next 4 weeks.” You should consider being even more specific and schedule the days you will exercise on your calendar. Notice how this statement is measureable in couple of ways (minutes of exercise & days per week) it also has a time frame of 4 weeks so when you have successfully exercised through out the month of September you can reward yourself. Then you can set a new goal (maybe 4 days/week) for the month of October!

‘Rite it down
There are two things to write down:

1) Write your goals. Post them somewhere you can see them regularly and act upon them. It is important to review your goals daily…for one minute. Spencer Johnson, M.D., in his book The One Minute Mother gives us this motivational quote: “I take a minute, I look at my goals, I look at my behavior, I see if my behavior matches my goals”.
2) Record your workouts. It may seem silly, but most grown-ups are just as motivated as grade-schoolers by something as simple as a chart on the wall with gold stars. Try this at home: Place a calendar which is dedicated to keeping track of your workouts in a prominent location such as your refrigerator. Everyday you workout give yourself a star on the calendar. You may also want to record your time, distance and/or the activities you completed.

A lot of us are motivated by the numbers.

Most people feel they MUST weigh themselves, however don’t measure success by that number alone. Here are some other numbers to consider:

 Body composition (the ratio of fat to lean body tissue) is much more important. This can be measured with a skin fold calipers by a fitness professional.

 Keep track of inches lost with a tape measure. Record your girth measurements around your waist, hips, and upper leg. Measure them again in one month. The tricky part is measuring the same spot the next time, so take good notes. For example, when you measure your waist pay attention: did you measure across your belly button or two inches above your belly button?

 How many push-ups you can do without stopping, how many chair squats you can complete in 30 seconds and how long it takes you to walk/run a specific distance such as one mile (works best on a track)? Re-test every eight to twelve weeks and you will be impressed with yourself!

 How many minutes and/or miles you complete weekly or monthly?

Turn over a new leaf this Fall…follow the “Three R’s” and get fit this fall. Remember, consistency is the key to success! If you have a health & fitness question or need help with your fall fitness routine contact me:

Karin Jennings is a certified personal trainer and co-owner of XO Fitness, LLC in De Pere.

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>XO Fitness welcomes Ann Oviatt to their personal training team!

Category : Exercise


Exercise is more than just burning calories, exercise can improve your quality of life, so keep moving!
My mission is to educate others in the many ways exercise can improve their health and quality of life. For example: Exercise can lower blood sugar and blood pressure, improve bone density and even help improve some of the issues that come with cancer treatments – the nausea and fatigue, as well as the anxiety and depression that are so common.
My decision to become a personal trainer was officially made when I found significant evidence of how exercise could have improved my grandmother’s quality of life – and nobody had ever suggested she do anything but “take it easy”.
I spent several years as my grandmother’s caregiver while she was struggling with diabetes, complications from osteoporosis, and finally pancreatic cancer. While researching her general conditions, I found vague references about the benefits of “keeping active”, but not enough information in a useable form to be much use to me and my grandmother.
Later, as I did more research to improve my own health and try to avoid the health issues that run in my family I kept coming back to fitness – strength, cardio and balance training.

  • NASM certified personal trainer
  • First aid and CPR certified
  • Studied dance for 18 years including ballet, tap, jazz and modern (Later I discovered belly dance and it was love at first shimmy!)
  • Currently studying to complete a B.S. Human Biology with an emphasis in nutritional science at UWGB
  • Spending time with my family
  • Gardening
  • Belly dance
  • Making jewelry

Ann will be available for trainings starting September 6th.
Her hours will be typically be 2:30-7 PM, 2011

Comments Off on >Healthy Summer Strategies

>Healthy Summer Strategies

Category : Healthy Eating

>Many of us discover vacations and hot weather challenging our weight loss efforts this time of year. Relaxation definitely has its merits, but don’t let the lazy days of summer keep you from your health and fitness goals!


Planning a vacation this summer? Good for you! Vacation is very important for your mental well-being. Relax and enjoy yourself, but don’t sabotage your health and fitness while you are away. It’s easy to throw caution to the wind and return from your trip with an extra 2-5 pounds.

Here are some ways you can minimize the impact of your vacation:

o Keep healthy snacks handy in the car This will keep you out of the drive-thru lane. Having a pocket guide such as “Eat This, Not That” can be very helpful when you must eat on the run.

o Limit your alcohol consumption There are a lot of empty calories in alcohol. It also reduces your inhibitions to eat junk food AND makes you feel hungrier.

o Plan some physical activities Hiking, biking and swimming are great ways to get you moving. . If you have kids, keep them moving too. A study conducted by Ohio State University found that 5- and 6-year-olds gained more weight over the summer than during the school year, so shut off the TV and do something active with them!

Too Hot to Cook

o It’s tempting to eat out when it’s too hot to cook If you do eat out, remember to eat reasonable portions, start with a salad and eat all your vegetables. Try to avoid fast food all together.

o Eat fresh fruits and vegetables This is the BEST season for fresh produce…plus you don’t have to cook them. Whether you visit a farmer’s market or stop by the salad bar enjoy delicious fruits and raw vegetables EVERY day. Remember, the USDA recommends 3 servings of fruit and 5 servings of vegetables daily.

o Grill healthy foods Grilling out will keep your kitchen cool. Prepare veggies (zucchini, colorful peppers, onions, and mushrooms tossed in olive oil) in a grill basket. As for meat, stay away from the brats and burgers and opt for lean cuts of meat or fish.

o Avoid traditional picnic food Chips, mayo-based “salads” (such as potato salad and coleslaw) and meat on a bun are not good choices. If you are invited to a “cookout” offer to bring a salad or fresh fruit.

Too Hot to Exercise

o Drink Water Always a good idea…zero calories. Avoid drinking calories from soda, ice coffees, and sports drinks except as a special treat. Try squeezing some lemon or lime into your water if plain water isn’t appealing.

o Workout indoors The great outdoors is usually a great option here in Wisconsin, however, if we’re experiencing a heat wave exercise indoors.

o Stay cool in the pool Swim laps, chase your kids, walk in chest-high water or try deep water running for awesome low impact exercise.

o Exercise early The sun is up very early in the summer, but the couple of hours after sunrise are cool and quiet. A perfect way to beat the heat!

Want to lose weight this summer? Focus on eating well and staying active every day.

Keep this in mind:

“Success is the sum of small efforts,

repeated day in and day out.”

Robert Collier

Feeling a lazy this summer? We can help you stay motivated!

Visit our website:

Comments Off on >Walking Workouts begin in May

>Walking Workouts begin in May

Category : Healthy Eating

>Walking is a fantastic low-impact activity which burns calories and improves your cardiovascular health. This 6-week program will begin slowly and then safely increase in intensity. You’ll learn the proper way to warm up before walking and the most important stretches to do when you are finished with your workout. You will be held accountable and motivated to increase your cardiovascular levels further than ever before! Getting outside this spring for this group workout promises to be fun and to keep you motivated to ensure you stick to the program and experience great results just in time for the Summer!

Dates: 5/3/11-6/9/11

Time: Tuesdays and/or Thursdays 8:45 AM

Where: All walks will depart from XO Fitness, 100 South Broadway, De Pere

$59 for 6-week training program (one day/week) That’s less than $10/week for your own Personal Coach!
$89 for 6-week training program (two days per week) Your second day is only $5/session
Click here to register

Cost Includes:
• A Weekly Walk with your Coach, Karin Jennings
• Structured Safe Walks
• Weekly Emails
•Warm-ups/Cool-downs and a few extra strength moves you can do outdoors

Extra details:
Dress for the weather, even in May you never know what Mother Nature is going to dish out, so dress in layers.

If weather is really bad, we will meet indoors at xo fitness or identify a rain date.

If you are registered to walk one time each week and need to switch from Tuesday to Thursday or vice versa just let us know.

Comments Off on >Super easy fish

>Super easy fish

Category : Healthy Eating

>Here it is, my super easy fish recipe…Only 4 ingredients

Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees
Defrost individually wrapped Tilapia fillets in bowl of hot water (leave in plastic for now)
Drizzle Olive oil into Pyrex baking pan and place in oven to heat (just a minute or two)
Beat 1-2 eggs in shallow bowl (depends how much fish you have)
Cover a plate with store bought seasoned bread crumbs
Remove defrosted fillets from plastic and dip first in egg, then in crumbs
Place coated fillets into heated, oiled Pyrex pan in one layer

Bake in oven
Flip over with spatula after 5-8 minutes.
Fillets are done when they flake with a fork.

I served this with sweet potato fries and brocoli…everyone was happy!

Comments Off on >Not all fat is bad

>Not all fat is bad

Category : Healthy Eating

>Why is America eating less fat and getting fatter?
Posed by many, one answer is that low and especially no-fat foods are generally ‘food products’ and substitute sugar, salt and chemicals to make up for the flavor loss. The end “food product” may actually have more calories than the original.

Fat takes a long time to digest, it keeps you full longer, and small amounts of the right fats can help you eat less over the course of the day.

Good sources of Omega 3 fatty acids

Doctors Michael F. Roizen and Mehmet C. Oz, authors of You On A Diet advise either eating (3) four ounce servings per week of fish (usually deep sea fish like salmon or tuna), eating an ounce of walnuts a day, or taking a 2000mg fish oil tablet daily.

Other popular sources of Omega threes:
• avocado (these are in season now!!)
• almonds
• pumpkin seeds
• flax seeds and flax seed oil
• dark leafy greens like kale, spinach and broccoli
• olive oil and canola oil (I honestly can’t think why a person would have any other oil in their house)

Avoid Solid fats found in Fatty animal-based foods:
• well-marbled meat
• poultry skin
• bacon
• sausage
• butter
• whole milk

Avoid Trans fat (foods made with partially hydrogenated oils):
• Cookies
• Donuts
• Pastries
• Crackers

Action Plan:
  • Switch to canola oil and olive oil.
  • Start taking Fish Oil supplements.
  • Avoid solid fats and trans fats.


Comments Off on >Eat with Color! Try something GREEN this week.

>Eat with Color! Try something GREEN this week.

Category : Healthy Eating

>The theme of National Nutrition Month this year is “Eat Right with Color”.

This week’s featured color…GREEN
(just adding green food coloring for St. Patrick’s Day doesn’t count!)

According to the American Dietetic Association, fruits and vegetables which are GREEN have antioxidant potential which may help promote healthy vision and reduce cancer risks.

Fruits to try this week:
Avocadoes (this is a great time of year to buy fresh ones), apples (the ADA listed them here), green grapes, honey dew, kiwi,

Veggies to try this week:
Asparagus, broccoli, green beans, green peppers, leafy greens, spinach

We challenge you to eat one of the GREEN foods above EACH day this week!

At the Jenning’s house, we made an old favorite which was DEFINITELY GREEN!!! WE call it “Irridescent Green Stuff”

If you dare, here’s the recipe for Indian Mustard Greens & Spinach:

Ryans notes: I seldom have the hot peppers handy, so I skipped them.  Instead of cooking 1 ½ hours until mushy, we steam the coarsely chopped mustard greens & spinach until wilted and put them in the blender with all the other ingredients (except butter and corn flour) and blend until pureed (adding steaming water as needed to allow blending). We then heat the butter/ghee or oil in a large saucepan and add ½ cup of cornmeal for texture.  Stir a couple minutes and add the puree.   Stir to thicken, salt to taste and serve with warm whole grain tortillas.  Eat until silly.

Comments Off on >Eat with Color! Try something Orange this week!

>Eat with Color! Try something Orange this week!

Category : Healthy Eating

>The theme of National Nutrition Month this year is “Eat Right with Color” so we’ll be highlighting a different color of the rainbow every week.

This week’s featured color…Orange/Yellow!

According to the American Dietetic Association, fruita and vegetables which are orange and yellow contain nutrients that promote healthy vision and immunity. They also reduce the risks of some cancers.

Fruits to try this week:
Apricots, oranges, cantaloupe, grapefruit, mango. papaya and pineapple

Veggies to try this week:
Carrots, yellow pepper, yellow corn and sweet potatoes

We challenge you to eat one of the orange or yellow foods above EACH day this week!

P.S. I don’t have any pretty pictures this week, sorry. However, at our house we enjoyed mangoes, oranges, carrots and little orange tomatoes.

Comments Off on >Snacks with Protein and Carbs

>Snacks with Protein and Carbs

Category : Healthy Eating

>These snack combinations include both complex carbs and protein to help keep you keep your blood sugar balanced and  you feeling satisfied!
  • An Apple, two cheese sticks, and a handful of almonds
  • Cottage Cheese and an orange
  • Sliced turkey, swiss cheese, avocado, and tomato slices
  • Chili in a cup and a baked potato
  • A baked potato with broccoli and cheese
  • Carton of plain yogurt ithe 10 almonds and 1/2 cup fresh strawberries
  • Two hard boiled eggs and an orange
  • Shredded wheat and mild with a banana and a hard-boiled egg
  • A breakfast burrito with eggs, beans, and cheese made with a whole wheat tortilla
  • Turkey slices on whole wheat bread and a pear
  • Ricotta cheese and 1/2 cup strawberries
  • Veggie sandwich with cheese, avacado, lite mayo and mustard on whole grain bread
  • Roast chicken breast with green salad
  • Spinach salad with tofu chunks
  • Egg Salad on a whole grain bagel
  • A chicken taco with lettuce, tomatoes and cheese in a soft whole wheat tortilla
 This list has been adapted from Potatoes not Prozac by Kathleen DesMaisons, Ph.D.

Comments Off on >Eat with Color! Try something RED this week.

>Eat with Color! Try something RED this week.

Category : Healthy Eating

>The theme of National Nutrition Month this year is “Eat Right with Color” so we’ll be highlighting a different color of the rainbow every week!

This week’s featured color…RED!

According to the American Dietetic Association produce which is red may help to maintain a healthy heart, vision, immunity and possibly reduce the risk of cancer.

Fruits to try this week:
Cherries, cranberries, pomegranate, red/pink grapefruit and red grapes

Veggies to try this week:
Beets, red onions, red peppers, red potatoes, rhubarb and tomatoes

We challenge you to eat one of the red foods above EACH day this week!

Here are two RED dishes I have made so far this week!

  What Red Foods have you eaten?