It’s time to pull out the grill when it’s over 90’F outside with 100% humidity(and the air conditioner seems to be running non-stop just to keep the house below 80!).
This week our Friday Foodie’s are Karin and her father Paul. Karin for her cauliflower recipe recently posted here, and Paul for his seasoning recipe that he found for Spicy Grilled Fish. His recipe calls for Red Snapper or Orange Roughy Fillets, but I found something in the Fish Freezer called Swai. So I bought it, brought it home, and then looked up online what the heck it was and how to cook it.
According to Wikipedia, Swai is actually an omnivorous freshwater fish found in Thailand’s Mekong River. It is really an “Iridescent Shark Catfish” but apparently due to international concerns regarding shark products, it was renamed Swai. That said, Swai is a mild white fish that has a soft texture and could easily be blackened like Catfish. I used Paul’s seasoning blend sparingly (although I love it hot!
Paul’s Spicy Fish Seasoning Blend:
2t Paprika1t salt1t onion powder1t garlic powder1/4-1/2 t cayenne powder
Now, that’s what I was told to do. What I actually did was make an aluminum foil packet and cooked it in that instead. Because the kids are highly spice sensitive, I actually used very little of the seasoning blend and dotted the fillets with butter. The result was almost too tender. I think I’ll blacken the Swai next time I grill it and place it directly on the grill. -Ryan.