Here are some tips to help with hangover recovery.
Let’s face it, most of the time you are careful to eat and drink in moderation, but there are lots of parties this time of year and lots of opportunities to over-do-it. If you wake wake up with a food and/or beverage hangover here are some great tips from Mark Verstegen & Pete Williams authors of Core Performance for Women:
What to do the day after…
- Do not feel guilty for your indulgences.
- Start your day off with water, green tea, a multi-vitamin, fish oil and a great breakfast.
- Get in a workout. Sweat!
- Jump right back into your schedule of eating 4-5 meals/day
- Go to bed early so that you can get at least 8 hours of sleep
The important thing to remember is not to let this one day bender derail your good habits. After all, that one off day represents just 0.27 % of the entire year. What matters most is how you eat the following day. By employing these simple strategies, you’ll avoid a tailspin of poor nutrition and jolt you metabolism to start burning strong again!
Have a Happy & Healthy 2015!!