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Build a Better Butt #5

Category : Exercise

Chair Squat 

chair squat

Almost sit down, but not quite!

This exercise is a great alternative to the traditional squat because you have a chair behind you to give you confidence. Stand with your feet hip distance apart and toes pointed straight ahead. Slowly lower yourself toward the chair, but do not actually sit down. When you are as low as you can go without transferring your weight to the chair stand up and repeat.

Reaching your arms out in front of you as shown will help you counter-balance your butt going back. I always cue my clients to look up “where the wall and ceiling meet” to keep their head up…no diving!

If you don’t feel the glutes working, you are probably leaning too far forward. The forward lean is often caused by a lack of flexibility in the calves. To fix this, stretch the calf muscles, before performing squats. This should also enable you to sit back more and maintain a more upright torso.

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Build a Better Butt #4

Category : Exercise

Supine Bridge

Glute Exercise: Supine Bridge

Begin lying on your back with knees bent, heels on the floor, toes slightly lifted off the floor. Brace your abdominals (tighten them as if to guard against someone punching you in the gut); squeeze glutes; then lift hips from the floor to create a straight line from your shoulders to your knees; hold positions for 5-10 seconds and repeat. Many people get cramps in their hamstrings. If this happens to you, STOP. Return to the floor; relax; then focus even more on tightening your glutes BEFORE you lift your hips from the floor.


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Build a Better Butt #3

Category : Exercise

Mini-Band Moves

The mini-band is a great piece of fitness equipment (it’s really just an extra large rubber band). It is inexpensive and takes up almost no space, so you can take it with you anywhere. Here are three easy exercises for you to try!

Mini-band sideways shuffle

Mini-band sideways shuffle


Sideways Shuffle

Stand with band around ankles, knees slightly bent, toes pointed straight ahead and take small side steps keeping constant tension on the band. Start with 10 steps to the right and ten steps to the right.




Mini-band zig-zag walk

Mini-band zig-zag walk

Zig-Zag Steps

Again, start with band around ankles, knees slightly bent and toes straight ahead. Instead of traveling sideways as you did in the last exercise described you should step out and forward with your right foot, and then with your left so that you are moving forward and your feet are making a zig-zag pattern on the floor. Travel forward 10 steps if space allows and then move backward 10 steps.


Mini-band glute squeeze

Mini-band glute squeeze

Glute Squeeze

Stand with hand on the back of a chair for support and the band around your ankles. You should be bend slightly forward at the waist with all of you weight on one foot. Lift your other leg straight back pressing against the band ten times; then switch to the other leg. Take care not to arch your back…if you feel any stress in your low back try leaning forward a little more.



 Do you need a mini-band? XO Fitness has them in-stock for just $5

Contact me

Yours in Health & Fitness, Karin

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Build a Better Butt #2

Category : Exercise

Step Up for a Better Butt

Step Up for a Better Butt

Step-ups: Stand with a sturdy step or box in front of you and place your left foot squarely on the step.  Your entire body should lean slightly forward so that you can transfer your weight to your left foot. Force your left leg (primarily the glutes) to do the work by pushing with the heel and really concentrate on using ONLY your left leg…keep the right leg passive, especially as you initiate the step-up. 

The height of the step can be increased as you become more proficient at performing this exercise, however it should not cause your knee to be bend tighter than a 90 degree angle.

How many?                                                                                                                                    10 slow & controlled reps on each leg. You may increase to 3 sets of 10 reps.

By the way, it’s important for you too know that you can not “burn the fat” off your butt or any other problem area on your body…please read Spot Reduction Doesn’t Work for more information!

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Build a Better Butt #1

Category : Exercise

Great Butt Exercise

Quadruped Hip Extension

Quadruped Hip Extension: On your hands and knees, slightly contract your abdominals to stabilize your torso and spine. Keeping the knee bent at 90 degrees; lift leg up until the thigh is lined up with the body (parallel to the floor). Do not lift any higher because this will cause the spine to arch.

According to John Porcari, an exercise scientist at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, “When you look at the EMG levels, quadruped hip extension elicited the highest muscle activation, and we did it without any weight. I think if you used ankle weights, that exercise would be even more effective in terms of targeting the buttocks.”

How many should you do? Try 10 -15 SLOW & controlled lifts.

Why train your glutes? One look in a three-way mirror is enough to motivate most of us. However, besides looking good, training your gluteals is important because if they are weak you are at risk for low back and/or knee problems.