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Build a Better Butt #6

Category : Exercise


Basic Lunge


Lunge With Med Ball Twist

Step forward with the right foot, keeping the head up and shoulders aligned over hips; do not allow your torso to angle forward because this will make your quadriceps do more of the work instead of the glutes. Drop your left knee toward the floor by bending both knees, making sure to keep the front heel down and the knee directly over the center of the foot. Push down through your heel to return to the starting position.

You may use a wall or a chair to help you with your balance when you are first learning to do these.

Nick Nilsson,  B.A.Sc., C.P.T., author of Muscle Explosion advises, “When you do a lunge, squeeze the glute hard while you’re pushing up. This will help to activate the glute muscle. It’s all about getting your mind into the muscle and forcing it to contract rather than just going through the motions of an exercise.”